CDR Text Logo

Where are we

Camera inspiration #inspiration

Memories for the future

Camera inspiration #inspiration

CdR's current facilities reflect the company's growth and business evolution plan.

The building - part of an industrial compound built in the first half of the 20th century - incorporates modernist architecture features and was renovated with respect for its historical significance.

It is a milestone in the memory of the Vale do Ave community, whose stories intersect with those of the building, as shown by a photograph of the founders standing in front of it in the 1960s.

Contact us

let's work together!
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visit our showroom
+351 252 871 364
national landline call
Casa dos Reclamos
Imprimimos Confiança, lda.
Rua Narciso José Machado Guimarães, nº 630
4795-089 Vila das Aves
Camera family #family