CDR Text Logo

CDR Community

social responsibility

This principle is the very foundation of our company and materializes in our relationship with customers and partners, in the integration of all employees into a large and closely-knit family, and in the effort to suppress the needs of the society in which we work and grow.

This is one of the premises that led to the creation of the company 30 years ago - and it is kept through support to various charity institutions.

This principle guides all our activity and investment in promoting collective well-being and sustainable local development.

We think of collective well-being

we respect the environment

CdR's business model is based on a balance between economic growth, environmental preservation, and social prosperity.

Our Environmental Responsibility Policy reflects the importance of sustainability in all our decisions, both as a company and as individuals. The health of people, ecosystems and the company itself epitomizes the core of our mission.

Our commitment to the environment materializes in clean printing technologies, green certifications, and practices that aim to reduce the environmental footprint.

Selecting eco-friendly and biodegradable raw materials and supplies, separating and reusing waste, recycling materials and protecting workers to prevent occupational hazards are common practices in our everyday work.

health and wellness
economic growth
environmental preservation
Camera environment #environment
worker protection
worker protection
clean printing technologies
clean printing technologies
reuse and recycling
reuse and recycling
green certifications
green certifications
reduction of environmental footprint
reduction of environmental footprint


The quality of our work is certified by leading industry organizations. Our certificates lend confidence to all our projects, from the simplest to the most complex.